Monday, August 02, 2004

Sleeping in's for wusses

So of course I woke up bright and early Sunday morning - I've kind of accepted the fact that the only time I'll get to sleep will be when I'm dead. Or in Philly. Same thing.

I took another guided walking tour that morning, this time it was "The Dark Side of Kensington." I learned about all the murders that have taken place in my neighborhood, and all the Nazis who lived there, and all kinds of good stuff.

Then when I got home, everyone who was still here this weekend packed up our beach stuff and headed to Hyde Park. There we laid out in our swimsuits and enjoyed one of the hottest sunniest days in recent memory. I evened out my tan from Cardiff, which is good. We were laying right by Speaker's Corner, so when we needed a break from the sun, we went over and listened to some of the nutcases. One Marxist fellow was going off on how the Tube is the worst subway system in the world. One person was saying how Muslim men all beat their wives. Someone was attacking free trade in South Africa. And there were Jews for Jesus all over the place.

That night, to celebrate all our flatmates coming back from their weekend trips, we threw a toga party! You can take the guy out of the frat, but you can't take the frat out of the guy.

Today I woke up absoultely sick to my stomach. Please believe me when I say it absolutely wasn't wasn't was not related to drinking last night, I swear. Today was our midterm, so I valiantly dragged myself down to Foundation House, where I promptly got up from my seat and ran to the bathroom and proceeded to throw up for the next 45 minutes. When I came back, I must've looked like death, because Pat Bradley let me put off taking the test until tomorrow. I dragged myself home, threw up some more, and passed out til 7 o'clock. It's now 8:30, and I'm still really sick, and I know I need to eat something but I don't think I will be able to keep it down. I'm baking a quiche, and if that doesn't work, I guess I'll just starve to death.


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